Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain: Why?

I took a survey of McCain voters that I know and asked them what the reason for their support of him is. The actual responses include:

"Obama is a socialist."
"Obama thinks that there are 57 states, so he is obviously unqualified" (referring to Obama's misstatement that he had visited 57 states during the campaign, apparently ignoring McCain's numerous misstatements)
"Obama wants to redistribute the wealth." (spoken by a person who lives paycheck to paycheck, and could use some redistribution)
"Those black people think that they should get everything we have without working for it. I am tired of them having 10 children and demanding welfare, and Obama will make sure that continues."
"Obama wants to merge the US with Canada and Mexico, and I don't want to be in the same country as all those Mexicans."
"Obama thinks that abortions should be legal in the case of a woman whose life is threatened by a pregnancy; there is never a reason to choose the mother's life over the baby."
"Democrats favor immoral issues like gay rights, abortion, the destruction of the family, and legalizing drugs, and I would never vote for a Democrat."
"Obama never produced his birth certificate. I think that he was born in Kenya and I don't want an African running our country."
"Joe Biden is scary. His plan to deal with Iraq is insane."

All of these are actual responses. Any McCain voters reading this, feel free to leave your reasons in the comments.

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